Blurred Boundaries is a prototype empowering the concept of a total synergy between architecture and public/ recreational spaces, where the borders between buildings and the public spaces diminish and one can integrate seamlessly within the surrounding areas
Location – Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Type – Exhibition
Area – 100 sq.m
Year – 2021
Where the borders between buildings
and the public spaces diminish
Public spaces are often seen in isolation from their surroundings, adjacent spaces & roads network. Blurred boundaries is a prototype empowering the concept of a total synergy between architecture and public/ recreational spaces, where the borders between buildings and the public spaces diminish and one can integrate seamlessly within the surrounding areas.
The concept of total integration between buildings, landscape and public realm allows people to navigate in spaces seamlessly without disruption. Blurred boundaries demonstrate this concept on a micro level, to provoke the need to push architects and designers to think as a community’s supporters, where buildings and surrounding spaces become one entity, allowing people to navigate, explore and enjoy.